The world is probably the only place in this whole universe that is known to have human existence. The Earth is divided into many regions where human habitats are prevailing and surviving. One of the most wonderful concepts of science is temperature. Temperature is a factor or a term that is used to measure the hotness or coldness of a given place. We are all capable of sensing a hot temperature and a cold temperature. A cold temperature physically is defined as a temperature where there is a complete absence of heat.

In whole of Earth the temperature is not uniform and thus there are some of the hottest places on Earth and coldest places on Earth. At both extremes, human life is not expected but however, we do have some habitat evidence.  Most of the hottest places in Earth are found near the Equator regions and the coldest places at the extreme poles of the world i.e. North Pole and South Pole. Countries that come under these two regions are either the hottest and coldest place on Earth. Humans often keep a bay from these places, but, environment enthusiasts and adventurists do explore those places and that’s how we know about them?

  • Death valley USA is one of the top hottest places on Earth with a record of 56 degree Celsius record temperature. It is situated 86m above sea level and hence the heat. One could have a weekend getaway and drive along. Being stranded is not recommended.
  • Dasht-e Lut in Iran is another hottest place on earth. It is a desert plateau and hence may cross the 70 degree mark. It is definitely impossible for any life form to survive. It is considered to be the world’s driest place.
  • Vostok station in Antarctica is considered the coldest place in South Pole. It has a record temperature of -89 degrees.
  • Eureka in Canada is known to be the coldest inhabited place in the world. The average temperature is -40 degrees.

The hottest and the coldest place mark the weather condition of that region. The weather condition is a critical geographic measurement that keeps a vigil on the livable conditions of the area. The weather conditions change often based on the time of the year and seasons. Extreme weather conditions such as cloud burst, hot or cold will be judged by the metrological department and will follow on the news. People often plan travel and holidays based on this information.