Human Bones and the Skeleton

It is generally assumed that the skeletal system is composed of bones. The skeleton seen in anatomy classes also supports this assumption, but in reality the human skeletal system contains tendons and ligaments along with bones.

Parts of the Skeletal System

Bones: Bones are made up of a protein called collagen. It also contains minerals like calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate which strengthen the framework. Its basic function is to provide strength and flexibility. A human baby contains approximately 270 bones which together as it grows. An adult human contains 206 bones.

Tendons: Tendon is a connective tissue which is fibrous in nature. Its function is to connect bone and muscles. It is also known as sinew and composed of collagen

Ligament: Like tendon ligament is also a connective tissue made of collagen, but it connects a bone to other bone s in the body.

Functions of the Human Skeletal System

Support or Structural framework: The system provides support to the body. Like pillars provide support to a building the human skeletal system provides structural framework to the body.

Protection: It is another important function of the body. The skeletal system protects delicate internal organs from accidents, for example, the rib cage protects the lungs and the heart whereas the skull protects the brain.

Movement: As already mentioned that tendons connect bones to muscles hence the skeletal system also helps on locomotion of body.

Common Diseases Which Affect the Skeletal System are:

  • Arthritis: The patient suffers from inflammation and stiffness of joints.
  • Bone cancer: Excessive division of cells in the body.
  • Leukemia: Abnormal leukocytes are produced in high amount which leads to anemia.
  • Osteomalacia: It is the deficiency of vitamin D which causes softness in bones.
  • Osteoporosis: It is also caused by the deficiency of vitamin D. The bones become fragile and brittle due to loss of tissues.
  • Spine Bifida: the spinal cord and its meninges are exposed through a gap in the backbone it is congenital in nature. It causes learning difficulties and paralysis of lower limbs.

Some Facts About the Human Skeletal System

  • A bone regrows and repairs itself if it breaks.
  • Bones in human body grow till the age of twenty.
  • The longest bone is present in the thigh known as femur, the smallest in present in the ear called staples.
  • Our hand contains most number of bones, i.e. 54.
  • Although teeth are not counted as bones but they are a part of the skeletal system.