What do pythons eat,reptiles and amphibians, Pythons

Scientific classification: Pythons make up the family Pythonidae. The reticulated python is classified as Python reticulatus

What is a python

The Python snake is a common name for a group of nonvenomous snakes that kill by squeezing prey. Pythons mainly eat reptiles and mammals. The biggest species of pythons reach gigantic size and are capable of killing and swallowing animals as large as crocodiles, pigs, antelopes, What do pythons eat or small deer. Pythons have rarely killed humans. Scientists have recognized at least eight genera and 32 species of pythons. The snakes are found in tropical regions of Africa, Asia, and Australia. The name python comes from a mythical giant serpent in Greek mythology.


Pythons range through much of sub-Saharan Africa and through parts of southern Asia, including India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka; southeastern Asia, including Thailand, Myanmar (Burma), Cambodia, and Vietnam; and in regions of southern China. What do pythons eat, they are also found in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, New Guinea, and Australia.

Pythons live in a wide variety of tropical and subtropical habitats, ranging from rain forests and woodlands to savannas and deserts. Some species are basically aquatic while others spend most of their time in trees. Giant species typically live on the ground but can swim or climb trees when needed.

Physical Description

Pythons are primitive snakes that, like their close relatives the boas, still show signs of lizard ancestry. Pythons have traces of a pelvis and two tiny spurlike hind limbs, usually better developed in the male. They also have two functioning lungs, one large and one small more advanced snakes have only a single lung.

Pythons lay eggs unlike most boas, which give birth to live young. Female pythons produce from 10 to 100 eggs, What do pythons eat depending on the species, and wrap their bodies around their clutch (group of eggs) to keep it warm and defend it against predators. Pythons can even raise their body temperature by rhythmically twitching (“shivering”) their muscles to generate heat to help incubate the eggs. Incubation can last from two to three months. Baby pythons fend for themselves after hatching without parental care.

Pythons and Human

Pythons have become popular in the United States as exotic pets, including large species such as the Burmese python. Tens of thousands of Burmese pythons have been imported into the United States and sold to private owners. Captive breeding of pythons for the pet trade generates millions of dollars in the United States and Europe. The colorful and unusual skin patterns and generally docile nature of some species are seen as attractive qualities. Even a relatively small python is a powerful animal, however, What do pythons eat and pet pythons occasionally strangle people if the snakes are mishandled or stressed. Any python over 3 m (10 ft) long needs at least two people for safe handling.


The World Conservation Union (also known as IUCN) and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) list all species of pythons as vulnerable and one subspecies of the Indian python as endangered. Python skins are exported from parts of Asia and Africa, What do pythons eat mainly from animals killed in the wild. Pythons are also eaten as food in some areas. Some local populations routinely kill wild pythons out of fear.